NYOUG 2019 Fall Meeting: Oracle Database In-Memory By Example

Oracle Database In-Memory By Example

Starting with Oracle Database 12c a new In-Memory column store is available and it is compatible with all existing applications. But how does it work and what steps are required to get started? Rather than answering these questions with a traditional PowerPoint presentation, this session will be conducted via SQL*Plus. Step by step examples will demonstrate how Oracle’s in-memory dual format enables both superfast analytics and online transaction processing. This session will also show how Database In-Memory integrates with Oracle’s existing performance features (i.e. the Optimizer, indexes, MVs, etc.). By attending this session, you will arm yourself with the necessary knowledge to not only get started with Database InMemory but to dramatically improve the performance of your analytic workload.

Andy Rivenes is a Product Manager at Oracle for Database In-Memory. Prior to that Andy was a Product Manager for Heat Map, Automatic Data Optimization, SecureFiles and DBFS. Andy has spent a large part of his career managing Oracle databases and he now spends his time helping customers implement Database InMemory as well as providing information about Database In-Memory through blogs, conferences, and customer visits. You can visit the Database In-Memory blog at https://blogs.oracle.com/in-memory or follow his tweets as @TheInMemoryGuy.