NYOUG 2019 Fall Meeting: Database In-Memory – Columnar Formatted Data for Analytics

Database In-Memory – Columnar Formatted Data for Analytics

Oracle Database In-Memory introduces a new in-memory columnar format that is compatible with all existing applications. Join Oracle Product Management to learn in detail what motivated Oracle to develop this new technology and how it works alongside the traditional row format to provide a unique “dual format” architecture. This session will explore why columnar formatted data provides such a dramatic performance improvement for analytic queries, and how it works with the rest of Oracle Database so that no application changes are required to take advantage of Database In-Memory. The session will conclude by exploring where to leverage Database In-Memory with existing application workload.

Andy Rivenes is a Product Manager at Oracle for Database In-Memory. Prior to that Andy was a Product Manager for Heat Map, Automatic Data Optimization, SecureFiles and DBFS. Andy has spent a large part of his career managing Oracle databases and he now spends his time helping customers implement Database InMemory as well as providing information about Database In-Memory through blogs, conferences, and customer visits. You can visit the Database In-Memory blog at https://blogs.oracle.com/in-memory or follow his tweets as @TheInMemoryGuy.