NYOUG Webinar: APEX Grids: Standardize for Productivity and Sanity, By Karen Cannell

APEX Interactive Grids have a myriad of customization options, some declarative, and most via JavaScript APIs. How does one stay sane, organized and consistent with so many options? Standardize! Learn techniques to deliver clean, uniform, customized interactive grids within a single application, or across many developers and many applications across an organization. It’s easier than you think.

We will discuss the importance of standards in grid development, labeling, configuration and customization. We will discuss and demonstrate several options standardize grid features within and across your applications: plugins, common configuration files and CSS classes. Decide upon your grid options, code them once, then include and use everywhere. Better yet, not everyone needs to be a JavaScript expert to implement your standard grid configurations.

Meet the Speaker:
Karen Cannell is President of TH Technology, a consulting firm focused on Oracle technology in general, Oracle APEX a specialty. Karen is an ACE Director, ODTUG Vice President, APEX gal, frequent Oracle user group volunteer and conference presenter. kcannell@thtechnology.com @thtechnology

Co-Hosted by the New York Oracle Users group (www.nyoug.org) and Viscosity North America (www.viscosityna.com)


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